In support of the First Amendment of the US Constitution For The United States of  America


By the authorized power of the 14th Amendment, the prodigy of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the first such law in the then US history, desginated, specifically, exclusively and solely as the offficial, National Birth & Identity rights "certificate" to the descendant of the nation's chattel slaves, held in legalized capitivity as living human property for 245 years.

As a descendant of the black, African origin, victims of the British-USA, peculiar institutionalized industry of chattel slavery, the creator of the ironic character of Mr. Citizen Patriot, "civilian citizen, soul-jah brother # 1", Civil Rights-homelessness Resolutionary activist, Theodore "Ted" Hayes, Jr., has taken and is taking the necessary couragious steps to encourage all US "white and black citizens"...

...but particularly and especially the latter, to reclaim or claim for the first time and embrace their/our GOD-given, right, duty and prvilege to live as example to the world's nations, "The American Dream" experiment in a republican form of government (US Constition, Artle IV, Section 4)

The character of Mr. Citizen Patriot - the nuance "Uncle Sam", is not aligned, nor affiliated with any particular electorial, political entity, organization or any such causes. 

It welcomes all philosophical dogmas, transcendently weloming them all, regardless of so called racial and/or ethnic idenity, religious persuasion, or social-class status, etc. 

 According the Declaration of Independence, the Progenitor ofthe US Constiution, it is with great joy and delight, as We the People ordered by the founding fathers "to form a more perfect Union" in this land, practicing neighborly civility, justice, peace as manifestations of love, as well freelly conducting open and civilized discussion, even differences of opinion!